Yippe!!! Happy birthday to the website and a warm welcome to the first entry of this digital diary. Since its been as im writing this the first anniversary of glittrink I suppose i can ramble a bit about the past year or so to fit with the theme i guess.

When I first created glitterink in 2022 I was at the very least at a creative rut in my life and had little inductive to do nearly everything well,. I felt very drained and easily stressed out by daily affairs due to very personal shit I don’t really feel comfortable enough to express these things in a public avenue but I've stated that I’d felt like this to provide a narrative here. Moving on, I started to learn html and css by using w3schools as some sort of janked up plan to force my brain to be productive. I was trying to figure out how to use divs and this google search led to me clicked on a site that hosted here on neocites which led to me wanting to find out what the fuck is a neocites is since I never seen that html address before and this desire to find out that i can host my little coding projects for free !!!To be frank I was amazed.
I always thought that you had to pay a lot of money to host a website so when I found out that you can host a website for free I automatically wanted to have a part . Its kinda crazy how many circumstances led to me creating this website, if I hadn’t had that rut this site wouldn’t have existed and I wouldn’t be writing this page that you’re reading. I like to think that life has a lot of circumstances when you think about it hard enough.
5/24 |
the other side of paradise- glass animals |
Solanin |